Category Religion


(image from Scott Clarke – Recently my eyes have been opened to a truth I was unfamiliar with before.  If we are not to know the day or the hour of the Lord’s return, why does Revelation 3:3 state, “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore […]

Stop Listening To False Prophets

I hear many people defending those who falsely set dates which come and go without their predictions being fulfilled and those who willingly call themselves prophets of God even after they have been exposed as liars and deceivers.  The likes of Renee (M) Moses and Steve Fletcher are prime examples of repeat date-setters that will not […]

Top 10 Rapture Criticisms Discredited

Top 10 Rapture Criticisms Discredited For most of my life I have been a believer in a pre-tribulation rapture.  That is, a rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ, that occurs before the beginning of the Tribulation, the seven year period also known as Daniel’s 70th Week and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. However, […]

Obama is (probably) NOT the Antichrist

I just do not understand why so many Christians believe that Obama is the Antichrist. I know about an inaccurate version of his name meaning “lightning from heaven.” I know about the Bible codes many believe point to him being the Antichrist (even though the original Hebrew and Greek versions of Biblical books are not […]

Rapture or No Rapture?

In this post I will attempt to present as much biblical evidence for and against the pre-tribulation rapture theory, heretofore in this article to be simply called the “rapture.”  I am aware that there are other rapture beliefs, such as mid-tribulation and pre-wrath, but the beliefs in a pre-tribulation rapture and no rapture at all […]

A rebuttal to “Nobody Is Getting Left Behind (Because the Rapture Is Never, Ever Going to Happen)”

A very popular post made recently which addresses the issue of the rapture is making its way around social media like wildfire, most likely because of the recent release of the film, “Left Behind,” starring Nicholas Cage. While the author of the post, entitled “Nobody Is Getting Left Behind (Because the Rapture Is Never, Ever […]

The REAL Problem With Common Core

Many of my conservative and libertarian friends believe the argument being made against Common Core by conservatives is missing the point because we would probably be supporting it if it pushed more conservative values. They point out that it’s the constitutionality of federal-led curriculums that are the problem, not WHAT is being taught. They say […]

Conspiracy Theories from a Christian Perspective

Many, including those who freely call themselves Christians, have consistently criticized those who tend to believe in conspiracy theories calling them harsh names such as nuts, crazies, idiots and far, far worse.  But as Christians how should we really view these supposed conspiracies, or the entire world as a whole for that matter?  How does looking […]

The True Origin Of Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving we should all be reminded that the celebration is not purely a secular one in America. Yes, it is a time to spend with family and loved ones and to be thankful for all that we have but, more than that, the American Thanksgiving is deeply rooted in Christian reverence to God. According […]