Conspiracy Theories from a Christian Perspective

Many, including those who freely call themselves Christians, have consistently criticized those who tend to believe in conspiracy theories calling them harsh names such as nuts, crazies, idiots and far, far worse.  But as Christians how should we really view these supposed conspiracies, or the entire world as a whole for that matter?  How does looking at things from a biblical perspective change our perceptions about what is truly transpiring around us?

Let me first state that it is my strong belief that all of mankind is greatly influenced on a daily basis by evil entities in league with Satan himself.  Ephesians 6:12 tells us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  This passage seems to clearly indicate that dark spiritual forces are at play and are part of whom and what we are struggling against.

I am also completely convinced that the devil has a strong influence on everyone not consistently living daily in Christ, including world leaders.  1 Peter 5:8 reminds us, “Be sober-minded; be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”  In fact, we are warned in Ephesians 6:11 to, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil,” because of these constant attacks coming from the wicked one and his demons/fallen angels.

Satan clearly has influenced leaders throughout all of mankind’s existence as is evidenced by the countless historical and biblical accounts of evil leaders, and that same influence clearly exists in abundance in our world at this very moment.  I believe Satan actually prizes having influence over the politically and financially powerful more than most others in the world, and for obvious reasons.

It is also safe to say, in my opinion, that many who have risen to positions of great power and influence have done so with the aid of the devil.  Satan absolutely has a vested interest in convincing people to serve him for their own personal gain and many are openly willing to do so.  This belief leads me to conclude that a very large percentage of leaders and those with great influence have either been greatly persuaded by Satan and his armies without even realizing it or have outright pledged allegiance to him in order to rise to their positions of power and influence.  With this in mind I have become convinced that most of these influential people throughout the world are not friends of Jesus or the Heavenly Father.  Quite the opposite.

If you are with me so far I would like to ask you a question.  Isn’t this the ultimate conspiracy theory?  If I am correct, it certainly is.  And if we as Christians are to believe God’s Word we must acknowledge that what I have presented to this point is most certainly accurate.

And if that premise is indeed accurate then it stands to reason that those very same leaders who are ultimately serving the devil, either openly or without their direct knowledge, will be predisposed to doing all sorts of underhanded and outright wicked things to other human beings.  After all, Satan delights in creating misery in every human life.

Either at the explicit direction of Satan or as a result of living a life without the presence of God and His Son these leaders will be predisposed to committing evil acts.  It is the natural end result of being in opposition to Christ.

With all of that in mind I would propose to you that the natural state of leadership in this largely Godless world would be one of deception, lies, and ultimately the committing of acts against humanity that are unthinkable and heinous, all the while trying to convince the masses that someone or something else was responsible for those deeds.

The bottom line is this: I believe Satan is at the core of every single man-made atrocity and it is always part of his plan to convince you and me that what happened is something other than it really was. When viewed in this light it is my humble opinion that many of the world’s atrocities might just be conspiracies, and you know who I believe is the evil mastermind behind them.

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